Through numerous grants, charitable foundations, a parish subsidy, and other generous donations, our school is proud to offer a rich academic experience to our students at a very affordable rate. The actual cost to educate each student is over $12,000.

Tuition Rates Pre-K2:

Grade LevelAnnual TuitionMonthly Payment (July – May)
Pre-2K - Year Round Program$9,260$841.82

Tuition Rates Pre-K3 – 5th Grade:

Grade Level Annual TuitionMonthly Payment (July – May)
Pre-3K – 6th Grade Catholic Rate$7985$725.91
Pre-3K – 6th Grade Standard Rate$10,405$945.91

Tuition includes supplies, textbooks, workbooks, educational and security software licenses, standardized testing, technology fees, school t-shirt, and certain extracurricular activities. Tuition does not include uniforms, school lunches, or Extended Day Program fees.

Other Fees & Discounts:

Application Fee:                                                          $100 (waived for current families, SJS alumni, and MDS faculty & staff)
FACTS Management Set-up Fee:                             $45
Commitment Fee:                                                       $100 (due upon acceptance and applied to tuition balance)

Home and School Association Support Fee:         $100 

Family Discount:

Sibling discount: 5% for second child/10% for third or more.
Payment in full: A 5% discount is given for tuition paid in full by July 15.

Student Withdrawal/Relocation:

Families who move out of town after the start of the academic year will be charged a pro-rated fee based on a 180 day academic year.  Families who withdraw students for any other reason will be held accountable for the following percentages of yearly tuition:

Withdraw / Move
Prior to the start of the academic year20%
The start of school through November 1st40%
From November 1st through February 1st70%
After February 1st through the end of academic year100%

If you have questions about financial aid or the admissions process, please contact Debra Harrison, director of admissions, at or call 478.742.0636.

Tuition Assistance

Tuition assistance is available for families who demonstrate financial need. Although we make every effort to meet a family’s demonstrated financial need, we are not able to offer full tuition awards. Financial aid is given based on financial need as well as available funds, therefore the financial aid award can range from $500.00-$2000.00. St. Joseph’s Catholic School has three forms of limited need-based financial assistance. To be considered for any of these families must: 

1. Be registered and accepted for the upcoming school year.
2. Be current on all tuition and fees (applies only to students already enrolled) 
3. Complete an application online with FACTS Management. Click on the Grant & Aid Assistance tab and follow the instructions. The deadline to apply with FACTS Management is March 1st.

All of our tuition assistance programs are need-based. FACTS Management determines which families are eligible based on information, including the previous year’s tax return, submitted to them. 

Please note parents of all students who receive tuition assistance must re-apply for tuition assistance each year.