Our Approach to Chore Checklists: Starting Good Habits in 2022

When you think about chores, there’s a chance you imagine mundane tasks from around the house, like dishes or laundry. Or perhaps the word ‘chore’ brings back memories of hot, middle Georgia summers push-mowing your parents’ lawn as a teenager, or the measly allowance you scrimped and saved to buy tickets to the movie theater. […]
Here We Grow Again

Preschool Program and Leadership By Heather Knowles Growing classes and adding more children, now at the toddler age, requires the best teacher supervision and school leadership possible. To meet the needs of these preschool children and to better serve them, their families, and the classroom teachers, a school leadership position was proactively identified and recently […]
We Serve Middle Georgia Families

St. Joseph’s Catholic School provides a well-Christ-centered foundation serving 2K through sixth grade. We are a tight-knit community with a mission to serve families of central Georgia. Located in downtown Macon, our campus is a short commute from several counties and boasts a combination of enriching learning opportunities for elementary students rarely found in areas […]
St. Joseph’s Newest Addition: Our 2K program

The year 2021 signals the promise of new and unexpected blessings, and here at St. Joseph’s, this January brings the launch of an exciting opportunity long in the making: our 2K program. Last March, families were faced with many trials in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are proud of how our community united in […]