SJS offers many activities for students after school. We provide a wide variety of programs to help each student find something that interests them.
Studies show that extracurricular activities raise self-esteem, help develop team building skills, teach time management, instill creativity, and allow children to explore their interests. St. Joseph’s School offers numerous extracurricular activities to enrich a child’s education and enable him to be a well-rounded individual with a diverse set of interests. The extracurricular activities listed are offered on a yearly basis. However, some classes are sparked by interests of our students or through parents and/or community members who have skills and talents to share. Some of these classes have been a one-time offering or once a week for one month and include LEGO Imagination, Slime Making, and Origami Art!
Our basketball program for students in 1st through 3rd is a developmental program where athletes learn the fundamentals of basketball as well as sportsmanship and team building.
Our program for 4th & 5th grade student-athletes is a competitive program designed to give our students an introduction to the game of basketball and allow an outlet for fitness and sporting competition. We play a short season with an organized schedule of practices and games against other local schools. For more information contact Coach Hollie Nepveux at
Cheerleaders must always bring a positive attitude, we must work hard, listen to your coaches, meet new friends and have fun! Cheerleading provides kids with great exercise, as well as an excellent social and teambuilding experience. Participating in our cheerleading squad can improve your child’s self-confidence and help develop leadership skills.
Mount de Sales offers a football league designed to promote positive instruction for beginners as well as for older elementary students to compete while learning the fundamentals needed to play the game. Grades: For more information, please contact Coach Kenny Epps, at
The MDS Jr. Soccer program provides a fun and safe environment to introduce children to the “world’s most popular sport.” The three-week program for students in grades first through includes practice or games twice a week. On game days, coaching staff and former players conduct 20 to 30 minute instructional practices followed by short-sided games (3v3, 4v4, 5v5). All practices and games take place at Cavalier Fields. Contact Coach Kenny Epps, for more information.
The Chess and Scrabble Club which meets once a week immediately after school. Chess has been shown to strengthen problem solving skills, enhance memory, and foster critical and creative thinking. The game also provides a fun forum in which to practice making fast and accurate decisions and encourages logical and efficient decision making.
St. Joseph Catholic Church is the chartered sponsor for our Cub Scout Pack 10 and Boy Scout Troop 10. The mission of Scouting is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Pack 10 and Troop 10 have dedicated and strong scout leadership. Each grade makes up a “Den” and each Den meets generally twice a month. Activities include regularly scheduled camp outs, the famous “Pinewood Derby” car race, and a host of other family-oriented activities. Boy Scouts meet weekly on Sunday at 6:30 pm. For Boy Scouts, please contact Scoutmaster Mike Ray at
Drama Club provides an opportunity for students to learn about acting, stage presence, and performing. Each year, an appropriate script is chosen for production. Students who choose to participate are given opportunities both on and offstage. Rehearsals are held after school for several weeks, culminating in a performance for the students, faculty, and families.
St. Joseph’s Catholic School is grateful to Drama Notebook Script Library as a resource for royalty-free scripts and resources.
K-Kids is a student-led service organization that teaches children the value of helping others. The Club is sponsored by a local Kiwanis group. Throughout the year the K-Kids raise money and donate their time to make their school, community, and world a better place. Some of their hard work has benefitted organizations such as Jay’s Hope, The Beverly Knight Children’s Hospital, St. Joseph’s Church, Loaves and Fishes, Ronald McDonald House, and Mulberry Street Outreach Food Pantry.
Quiz bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, sports, and popular culture. A written exam will be given to 4th, 5th and 6th graders who are interested in trying out for the quiz bowl teams. The students with the highest scores will then go on to compete in the hands-on portion of the selection process in which their response time to oral questions using the quiz bowl machine will be evaluated for quickest reflex response time and correct answers. There will be a 4th/5th grade team and a 6th grade team consisting each of seven players. Students will be notified if they meet the criteria to be on the quiz bowl team. Practice sessions will be held at school and students on the teams will be required to attend the practices and be responsible for researching questions and studying various handouts that will be given at the practice meets.
Grades: 4th through 6th
Robotics Club is facilitated by our Challenge teacher, Ms. Marnai Boose. St. Joseph’s Catholic School currently has two registered teams. Students in the Robotics program learn construction and engineering of a robot, how to use sensors and attachments, as well as coding, teamwork, the research process, and presentation skills.
Grades: 5th & 6th
Fifth and sixth graders learn physics and engineering through hands-on experiences in the Science and Engineering Club. After a professional engineer teaches students a principle of engineering as well as the associated vocabulary and sets the parameters for construction, students work in pairs to design and build a project that requires an understanding and application of the principle that was taught. For example, after learning about Archimedes principle, the students drew sketches and built and tested prototypes of an aluminum foil “boat”. The project culminated in a contest to find the design that would support the most weight. Other projects include a popsicle stick bridge and a wooden catapult. The club meets once a week for one hour and is moderated by Mrs. Connie Wyzalek.
The purpose of Student Council is to represent the interests of the student body and to provide communication between students and faculty. Student Council is also a service organization for the school and community. Eligible students are allowed to run campaigns for the four officers and then are elected by the students (grades 2-6) and staff. Two representatives from each class (2-6) are elected to serve as members of the Council. Student Council sponsors fundraisers, fun days, special programs, and recycles paper and cardboard. Students and teachers may apply for Student Council grant money to help with projects or activities. Mrs. Akin, our librarian, is the moderator for the Student Council.
St. Joseph’s Catholic School, a private school located in historic downtown Macon, Georgia, dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment, delivering academic excellence rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
905 High Street
Macon, Georgia 31201
Tel:(478) 742-0636