
Challenge enables our most academically advanced students to broaden and deepen their knowledge and understanding through project-based learning. These student-driven and student-focused projects enhance their educational experience, foster creativity and innovative thinking through hands-on activities, develop higher level thinking and problem-solving skills, and differentiate instruction to meet learners at their levels and to encourage continued growth and development.   

A list of possible projects and experiences could include:

  • interactive and digital learning exhibits
  • engineering models
  • book publishing
  • work with community leaders
  • book and author studies
  • robotics and coding
  • science labs

Students are invited to participate in SJS Challenge based on a range of criteria including:

  • percentile rankings on NWEA MAP, a nationally-normed assessment
  • teacher evaluation, including a checklist for ranking academic support skills
  • overall grades and academic performance

Fully funded by a grant, Challenge is directed by Ms. Marnai Boose. A veteran teacher, Ms. Boose holds her master’s in education as well as several endorsements including STEM, Science, and Gifted Education.  



Student Success Center (SSC) & After School Assistance (ASA)


The Student Success Center at St. Joseph’s School meets every child’s need to succeed by offering individualized basic skills instruction in the areas of reading and math. Students are identified for enrollment in the program by referrals from teachers, results from standardized screenings, or scores on nationally-normed assessments. Teachers in the SSC work very closely with classroom teachers and parents to provide the best instruction possible for each student.

After School Assistance is a grant funded program that provides study skills and homework assistance to individual or very small groups of students by a certified teacher. Students are provided a snack before instruction and are dismissed for the day at 4:30. After School Assistance is held twice a week.