Enrichment Clusters

Enrichment Clusters applies the use of gifted education pedagogy to the education of every student in the school. Instead of focusing solely on students with academic gifts, the Enrichment Clusters encourages schools to identify the gifts in every child and to allow students to develop the gifts, whether academic, artistic, musical, social, or physical, and to focus on using their God-given abilities to improve the lives of others in the community and even the world. Clusters are once a week for about 50 minutes from mid-September until December and again from mid-January through April.

At SJS, we want to provide authentic enrichment experiences for our students. We welcome individuals with all different types of skills and talents to share their interests and expertise! If you are a parent, organization or community member who would like more information about volunteering with the clusters, please contact Mrs. Rogers, principal, at amanda.rogers@sjsmacon.org.